8 de abril de 2006

Cazados al vuelo II

Otra tanda de Pegasos en la vida diaria. Creo que este tipo de fotos refleja muy bien el buen numero de camiones que aun quedan. Si colgamos solo las fotos donde se les ha cogido en una pose perfecta, la sensacion es de que son menos de los que en realidad hay.
Y duran, y duran...

4 comentarios:

Kelvin dijo...

Kia Ora (hello) from a blogger down under in New Zealand. I hope you don't mind but I enjoyed looking at your truck photos, so I have listed your blog @ #624 on one of my blogs 21 21 21 Blogs I cannot understand your language, but everyone knows trucks.

Kelvin dijo...
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Juanra dijo...

Hi Kelvin, many thanks for visit and advertising this blog. I speak little english but I understand you.

Juanra dijo...

Pegaso is one old spanish brand of Trucks and cars and his logotipe was the mitological flying horse.

The title of the last entry:
"Cazados"= captured
"al vuelo"= flying
I do it photos when drive my car in Madrid.

I hope that now you know some of spanish language. Greetings. ;-)